With the passage of time the concern for the quality of education has led to different studies, curricular reforms and changes that have influenced the agents that are part of the educational system. The teacher, as one of these elements, is a center of interest and concern, especially in his pedagogical practice, understood as the set of activities that allow planning, developing and evaluating intentional teaching processes through which the learning of students is favored (Wilson, 1996, cited in Castillo, 2008). it can be said that teaching is an art, but this does not imply that teachers are born and that they are not trained; on the contrary, artists learn and work extraordinarily for it, but they learn through the critical practice of their art (Stenhouse, 1991: 12).
Based on the above and focusing on pedagogical practice in the area of mathematics, it is worrying to see that although mathematics is one of the sciences of greatest application in daily life, in school it is considered one of the most difficult areas of knowledge and to which students are most rejected (Bazán & Aparicio, 2006). The didactic trends proposed by Contreras (1998), the traditionalist, the technological, the spontaneous and the investigative. Among the results obtained, it is noteworthy that these teachers characterize their practice and their conceptions, both the mathematics itself and the way in which it should be taught under an investigative tendency; but this in most cases is not reflected at the time of its practice in the classroom and becomes a traditionalist trend.
Pedagogical practice in mathematics is understood as "any action or manifestation (linguistic or not) performed by someone to solve mathematical problems, communicate to others the solution obtained, validate it or generalize it to other contexts and problems"
The resources and pedagogical practices in the classroom determine the way in which the students and the teacher interact and share experiences of aprendizaje.es the place where interaction characteristics are established there is where actions that favor learning and energize the classes must be implemented.generate learning in the student body has relevance that this is involved in the mathematical scenario that faces and that , at the same time, communicate your experiences and findings, that you size the mathematics that you must know how to use in your practice, and that you understand that you should not stagnate in your development, but, on the contrary, try to delve into it. But to create an appropriate mathematical scenario for learning, physical resources and methodological resources of the teacher must be available to generate this conducive environment. Thus, it is not enough for the teacher to master and understand the mathematical contents, since his work also requires didactic-pedagogical knowledge of the contents to be taught, "If to be a teacher of mathematics you need to know mathematics, it is no less true that to do so you also need a professional knowledge that includes diverse aspects, from didactic knowledge to knowledge of the curriculum and learning processes" (66).
In this way it is important that the teacher develops skills in order to lead students to good learning and to awaken the taste for mathematics. The teacher's pape in the classroom has been changing to adapt to the new needs as more complicated his work since it must train the student of some basic skills that will be pillars of knowledge such as learning to know and learning to do. So the teacher is just one more part of this gear of teaching endowed with a little power but governed by the standards of his class and education. The teacher must have a role of authority in front of the student and by the pape who plays inside of the classroom must achieve the balance of the same authority without intimidating and student trends that characterize teaching practices traditional exposure of preset and rigid content. Technology focuses on established processes with fixed objectives. Spontaneous and teacher assumes that the student spontaneously learns this tendency seeks to form and study since the student does not receive information to obtain and the insita to learn to face problem. Many times the teacher thinks and teaches as they taught him and the difficulty manytimes to achievea change lies in the repetition of a way of teaching and believe that it is the only way to do it.
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